Monday, May 7, 2012

In the last post, we looked at climate change and global warming.  You told me some of the things you think that people are doing to cause global warming.  Look at this picture from to see some of the effects of climate change.

Eleven signs of climate change are hidden in the landscape below. Can you find them all? 
Here is what you are looking for...
Stronger Storms
Damaged Corals
Changing Rain and Snow Patterns
Migration and Life Cycles
Higher Temperatures and More Heat Waves
More Droughts and Wildfires
Rising Sea Levels
Warmer Oceans
Less Snow and Ice
Thawing Permafrost
Changes in Plant Life Cycles

A lot of people believe that global warming is already taking place.  There are also people who disagree about global warming and believe it's a myth.
This week as your homework assignment, you need to watch the following video with your parents and form your own opinion.

**In the comments below tell me your opinion on whether you believe global warming is happening or if you think it's a myth.  Please explain your opinion.

What is climate change?

In class, we've been studying weather and climate change.  
When scientists talk about global climate change, they're talking about the global climate and a pattern of change that's happening over many years. One of the most important trends that scientists look at is the average temperature of the Earth, which has been increasing for many years. This is called global warming.

Rising global temperatures lead to other changes around the world, such as stronger hurricanes, melting glaciers, and the loss of wildlife habitats. That's because the Earth's air, water, and land are all related to one another and to the climate. This means a change in one place can lead to other changes somewhere else. For example, when air temperatures rise, the oceans absorb more heat from the atmosphere and become warmer. Warmer oceans, in turn, can cause stronger storms.
*Information and diagram come from

This diagram shows how global warming can lead to a lot of changes.

This diagram shows how the Earth's atmosphere, climate, oceans, snow and ice, and ecosystems are all connected, which means extra greenhouse gases in the atmosphere lead to many other changes.
Scientists around the world agree that today's global climate change is mainly caused by people's activities.

**In the comment section of this post, tell me 2-3 things that you think people are doing to cause global warming.